Watering Your Lawn The Right Way
Watering Your Lawn The Right Way
When it comes to watering your lawn, the who, what, when, where and why rule applies. If you want to make the most out of your landscape, you have to know who is responsible for the maintenance, what needs to be done in order to make your lawn thrive, when it’s time to water, where to find help and why your lawn will love you for it.
As a homeowner, it’s up to you to water your lawn. If you’re on the go a lot or simply don’t have a knack for lawn maintenance, you can hire a professional to help with the little details. Either way, it’s up to you to love your lawn.
What is one of the single most important things that you give to your lawn? In a word, water. Most experts agree that thoroughly watering your lawn once each week is preferred above a light splashing of water every other day.
Many homeowners wonder when is the right time to water their lawn. If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone. If possible, water your lawn in the morning. Otherwise, watering in the evening will also work nicely. In the afternoon, when the sun is at its peak, watering is not advised as the sun will quickly dry up the moisture and may prevent your lawn from getting the treatment that it needs in order to thrive.
If you need advice or the help of a professional lawn care service, check your local yellow pages for a specialist in your area. Because your yard is one of the first things that people will see when they drive up to your home, it’s important that you give it the full attention that it deserves. When this isn’t possible, you can hire a professional to handle the job for you.
Why should you water your lawn? It’s simple. In order for your grass to remain healthy and green, you need to make sure that it’s properly cared for. Most lawns require at least one inch of water on a weekly basis, but Mother Nature may not always provide ample rain to feed your lawn. This is where you come in.
A lawn that is neglected may contain brown spots. If this sounds familiar, it could be a sign that your lawn needs a lot of TLC. As the single most important aspect of your landscape, your lawn should present a welcoming feel to both yourself and visitors.